Ups and Downs of Trump | Teen Ink

Ups and Downs of Trump

May 31, 2016
By Anonymous

Many people think that Trump has no plan, that he is a businessman with nothing on his mind but money. Trump is not that whatsoever. He has a plan to not only help US’s debt, but also take down isis. Make America great again is his main priority in his candidacy.

In a CNN interview Trump said 20-30 thousand troops are needed to make a dent in the Isis organization. And for every soldier on the front lines 3 more are back at home waiting to fight. His reasoning for taking the fight to Isis is to not see america bogged down trillions of more dollars again like we saw in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other candidates such as Ted Cruz agree that Isis needs to be battled on the ground. Some people don’t think that Isis can end happily ever after in just a few months as Eisenstadt stated, "You can't send 20, 30 thousand people in, wrap it up in just a few months and live happily ever after, because the fundamental problems remain."

Though there are some more worrisome plans of his that people don’t agree on. Immigration plan (the wall) is one of the main plans people are worried about. The whopping cost of 400 billion dollars this wall is estimated at is what people are worried about. Even though Donald Trump says he will make Mexico pay for it people are more worried for the relationship destruction that could cause. As New York Times states the wall is “ Big, beautiful, and impractical.” Mr. Chertoff said also “ Unless you suspend the constitution and instruct the police to behave as we live in North Korea, it ain't’ happening.”

If it's not his ideas, plans, or orange hair that is scaring people off it's his personality. Most supporters of Trump do like his personality but others are scared of what could come from it and his opposers even more scared. Trump on multiple occasions has made fun of women, other candidates, and a disabled person. People believe a president should not have this image for himself and for the country. That is only the good part. People are worried about what he can cause to foreign relations. “My Big concern is that he has said he will tear up the nuclear deal with Iran. That would be catastrophic,” said a senior diplomat in Vienna expressing his feelings for Trump.

Though Trump seems like a hot headed candidate he still has good ideas and expectations for this country. And over all wants to make america great again.

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An English assignment.

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