Injustice | Teen Ink


May 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Dear Officer,

I come to you because of all the injustices i’ve heard and read about. I think giving time for race if really stupid,Your skin color shouldn’t have to depend on the amount of jail time you should do. All i’ve read,heard,and seen was police officers killing black male or women. I mean not all the police officers are racist but this is still a huge injustice for many people. Blacks,hispanics,and sometimes including whites. Many cops have also killed many colored people and no justice has been done!! Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you should get special treatment for committing a crime.

I don’t think any of race related injustice. Reasons why mainly blacks and poor are in jail is because Police discriminate. “The first step in putting people in jail starts with interactions between police and people.  From the very beginning Black and poor people are targeted by the police.  Police departments have engaged in campaigns of stopping and frisking people who are walking, mostly poor people and people of color, without cause for decades.  Recently New York City lost a federal civil rights challenge to their police stop and frisk practices by the Center for Constitutional Rights during which police stopped over 500,000 people annually without any indication that the people stopped had been involved in any crime at all.  About 80 percent of those stops were of Black and Latinos who comprise 25 and 28 percent of NYC’s total population.  Chicago police do the same thing stopping even more people also in a racially discriminatory way with 72 percent of the stops of Black people even though the city is 32 percent Black would be allowed, Blacks “

Police also target black drivers, black drivers are 31% more likely to be stopped than white people,Hispanic drivers 23% more like to be pulled over than white drivers. I think race should not have to decide your jail time. All in all, I think your skin color doesn't have to decide anything.

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