Gay Marriage | Teen Ink

Gay Marriage

February 18, 2015
By Geonho BRONZE, Cresskill, New Jersey
Geonho BRONZE, Cresskill, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Currently in the United States, gay marriage is slowly being acknowledged and becoming legal in majority of states in the U.S., 36 states in total. I strongly believe that this is the right thing to be done and to be guarenteed by the government. However, discrimination and prejudice still remain toward gay marriage in society. The people who disagree with gay marriage also have several reasons why they believe it's wrong, but their arguments contain many flaws in them.

The first reason why many people disagree with gay marriage is that they say being gay is being unnatural. This, is not true. Although they cannot reproduce and act as a proper couples in biological ways, homosexuality existed for a long time, at least since ancient Greece. Also, many animals are sometimes homosexual. Researchers found out that animals, including giraffes, penguins, dogs, and chimpanzees show homosexual behavior. If a certain thing is commonly done by wild animals and has a history of 2,000 years, I feel there is no reason why we should feel so uncomfortable about it.

The people who believe that gay marriage is wrong also say that gay or lesbian parents might have a negative effect on their children. Studies show little difference between children raised by heterosexual parents and homosexual parents in both developmental and social ways. In fact, based on a study conducted on 2010, researchers found that children of lesbian parents scored better in such areas as self-esteem, behavior and academic performance than children of straight parents.

I was also surprised by how many people recognize being gay as a wrong thing only because of their religion. In the United States, Christianity plays a major role. Most people avoid talking about religion in their gay marriage arguments. However, to solve this problem clearly, I think we shouldn't skip around the topic just because it's a sentitive subject. Though I don't know a lot about religion, at least I know this: God is love, and love is the greatest and the most powerful tool in our lives. It's time to make changes among the religious community.

Being gay is a natural thing, and I think it is time to embrace those people no matter what we still think about them. Therefore I strongly believe that allowing gay marriage is the right thing because it is a natural thing to be done, it doesn't have a negative effect on their children, and there is no reason to be detested because of religion. If prejudice and discrimination dissolve in our society, we can make a better world for everyone with different ways of life.

The author's comments:

"What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right."-Albert Einstein

Everyone, it's time to make changes.

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on Mar. 3 2015 at 8:49 pm
Babobaby BRONZE, Unknown, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great. Now we're all bloody inspired."

Good job bob