Peer Pressure | Teen Ink

Peer Pressure

January 26, 2011
By SamThomas BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
SamThomas BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drugs.Alcohol.Smoking. They are all harmful for the body. Drugs are substances that will go in to the human sculpture and make our bodies change in a good way and a bad way. Alcohol is a liquid which changes the mind for couple hours and will poison the liver. Smoking is when someone either tastes or inhales a substance mostly tobacco or cannabis. Last year I had witnessed an accident which I will never forget in my whole life. Its a moment which will never come off your head. I knew a kid named Brandon he went to the same school the previous year. It all had started with peer pressure. His first incident was bringing an alcoholic drink named Vodka. Second, he started smoking and chewing a substance called tobacco. Third, he got introduced in taking drugs. Once Brandon started smoking, every kid told him to quit because if he kept on doing it, he would eventually die. The drug addict never listened. He had taken the wrong side. I still remember in the fifth hour of Language Arts he had dropped to the floor. Brandon was unconscious, they had called an ambulance and told everyone to step back to the room. The school said," He had a heat stroke, but every single kid knew what happen. Currently he is going through rehab. Now I know that Alcohol,Drugs,and smoking is terrible for us. Never do Drugs/Alcohol/ or smoke.

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