Reality | Teen Ink


November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

We often criticize the people who get involved in drugs and alcohol. But maybe the human race needs to examine their standards. What made these people decide to start these habits? The answer is simple. SOCIETY. We have such high expectations nowadays. When was the last time we picked up a huge, greasy, McDonalds cheeseburger and didn’t care about the calories? Or what about the pressure to try to fit in? For most of us, probably grade school. What do you resort to when you have so much pressure on yourself to fit in? What do we do? We find a way out, no matter how dangerous. Some turn to more healthy alternatives such as writing. Others turn to more risky choices. Those choices you ask? Well to be honest with you… drugs.

People put s much pressure on you to succeed. Keep up your grades, maintain a good look, make sure you always fit it, etc. When in reality us teens struggle with all that. We have so much to worry about. “Oh, its just school!” some adults say. But the second your grade drops it’s a whole different story. We spend so much time trying to be societies image or “perfect” and the second we fail, we give up. Truth is, reality sucks. What are we supposed to turn to?

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