Taylor Swift>Other Music | Teen Ink

Taylor Swift>Other Music

February 26, 2013
By Abby Gendreau BRONZE, Abington, Massachusetts
Abby Gendreau BRONZE, Abington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people wear bracelets that say “music is my life” or “music is my drug”. I only wear bracelets that say “Taylor Swift”. In my opinion, she is the best singer/songwriter there is. Mo matter what I’m feeling I can find one of her songs to relate to my feelings.

Since, I was in the 6th grade I have loved the song “Fifteen”. Then, this year when I started my high school career, just weeks before my 15th birthday, I played that song on my way to school. Lines like “back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday, but I realized some bigger dreams of mine,” remind me to focus on school not boys. Also, “I didn’t know who I was supposed to be, at fifteen,” reminds me that things can change at any point. All and all, this song is packed full of helpful hints.

Also, over the summer, my ex-boyfriend and I broke up. I wanted to play some music that related to my feelings at the time. One of Taylor Swift’s songs fit my feelings exactly. Whenever we were talking he would kiss me midsentence. I miss that “rude interruption” whenever I know I’m talking too much. This is a feeling Taylor Swift describes in the song “Last Kiss”. A common theme in most of her songs is relationships, so at least one will relate to a specific one or give advice for the couple.

Also she gives advice outside of her songs on life and relationships. This life quote is one of my favorites. It relates to the golden rule as it says, “No matter what happens in life be good to people. Because being nice is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” She really tells people good life rules and helpful hints in going allow with life.

People live by music, but the only type I feel you should is Taylor Swift. Her Music is so relatable and she is very wise.

The author's comments:
I have always loved Taylor Swift (since her first song in 2006).

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on Oct. 17 2023 at 8:15 pm
Cutiepie10009, Newton, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 12 comments
Really nice I love it !