Miley Cyrus | Teen Ink

Miley Cyrus

October 22, 2013
By AnitaLaEscritorDePoemas BRONZE, Largo, Florida
AnitaLaEscritorDePoemas BRONZE, Largo, Florida
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Favorite Quote:

Miley Cyrus! I know when you think of her you think of the VMA's; well I don't think of Miley Cyrus Like that I think of her as a LEADER! She inspired me to not look back at the past because if you see her back then on "Hannah Montana" she was a celebrity who was perfect, but look at her now she changed look at Lady Gaga she changed everyone does; you can't suspect someone to stay the same your going to see changes no matter what and I know Miley Cyrus did change but guess what you have to deal with it. I think Miley Cyrus is the best because she is an individual who is inspired to dream on and be who she really is! Miley Cyrus if you see this Omg, if you haven't well at least I gave it a shot to put this out to the world and to accept people for who they are. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed because you will probably hear from me again!

The author's comments:
This writing piece inspired me to writ this because everyone is an individual and Miley Cyrus is one who I am a fan of and always be one!

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