Miley or Hannah? | Teen Ink

Miley or Hannah?

January 9, 2015
By Hillary.jacobss BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
Hillary.jacobss BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Do you remember Hannah Montana? Was she a bad influence? Was she a good influence?

         I remember Hannah Montana as if I was watching her on TV yesterday.  Hannah Montana   was a good and bad influence on young kids. She taught us that “nobody's perfect”, but it was all an act. She had two lives. One that was a secret life playing the role of Hannah Montana and the other was the life of a semi normal teenager.

Hannah Montana wore the most amazing clothing yet Miley wore normal clothing. So many young kids made their parents get them everything from the blond wig to her boots. Me being a little girl I probably did that but now being 14 I find that over rated.  Of course this was in 2007, or somewhere around there. When I was little I always wanted to be like that girl on the TV, but was it Miley or Hannah? It was both Im sure all young girls were like this too. They all wanted to live two lives and be perfect like Miley and Hannah.

Fast Forward to 2012, 2013, 2014. That perfect girl on the TV was turning into a teenager, she was starting to wear very revealing clothing and her music was changing. She was becoming way less of a good role model. Her fan age changed from little girls to teens and tweens.  Hannah Montana was gone, they stopped making new episodes of the show. Little girls had no one to look up to now. Being a disney star she  had to have this  perfect “role model”  image.

As TV stars grow up they want to change  their whole image. That’s what Miley Cyrus did. Her music suddenly became incorporate. She sat on wrecking balls, her hair became shorter and bleach blond. Miley wore basically nothing on stage and was twerking on other people. I’m not saying i'm against her at all. She’s just not the best role model anymore. I sorta miss the old Miley, but we can’t change her. She gets so much hate from so many people. She does NOT deserve it at all, what did she ever do to them?  Her music is actually really good. I wish people just saw some good in her.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 13 2015 at 6:06 am
No celebrities, pop stars, sports figures, should be emulated as "role models." That idea is a media fabrication that only became common in the last 20 yrs, due to entertainment companies found that they could get parents to buy into certain stars by promising them to be worthy of all their child's attention by being a "safe place." It's ridiculous and a false premise. You cannot expect preteen kids to provide a morality mirror for other children! How is that fair to those young stars? Everyone deserves to grow up and be who they choose without some morality debt tied to corporate incomes.