Climate Change: Effective and United Solutions | Teen Ink

Climate Change: Effective and United Solutions

July 5, 2022
By MY21 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
MY21 PLATINUM, Irving, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of. The tree is the real thing." - Abraham Lincoln

Since the dawn of humanity, humans have pillaged the Earth unlike any species before. For 300,000 years, forests were mowed down, rivers were run dry, and animals were ruthlessly hunted. As expected, these actions have led to a larger and more problematic issue in climate change. Beginning in the 19th century, climate change has been the bane of humanity, proving to be a man-made cause for potential human extinction. Fortunately, for the past several decades, innovations, such as solar energy and the electric car, have diminished the impact of climate change. Alas, the pace at which these innovations aid against climate change is not quick enough. According to the UN Climate Report, although societies have achieved some success in adapting to climate change, most of humanity’s efforts have been fragmented and inefficient. If this phenomenon continues, climate change will no longer be a problem, but rather, the problem. As Barack Obama once said, “We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.” It’s time for the nations of this world to unite and generate extensive solutions to end climate change. The following proposals in this article are just a few measures in a symphony full of solutions countries can take. 

The first solution that could impede climate change is an economic proposal. To attract a mass number of people to renewable sources of energy, countries could offer tax breaks to promote the private use of renewable energy. Instead of having a one-time tax incentive for people who purchase renewable energy resources, governments could further promote the use of renewable energy by having a tax break for people every year. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA), many tax incentives on renewable energy are offered for one year. If tax breaks on renewable energy were consistent each year, renewable energy becomes a much more attractive and cost-effective resource than non-renewable energy. However, this economic proposal also has another aspect. For corporations that emit egregious amounts of greenhouse gasses, governments can implement specific taxes to nudge them to become environmentally sustainable. The revenue from these special taxes can help neutralize the loss of tax money in the renewable energy tax breaks. From start to finish, this tax solution proves to be beneficial in all aspects and can have a major hand in fighting climate change. 

Another potential solution that could repress climate change is a political proposal. One of the best ways for humanity to combat climate change is through unified efforts. If governments were coordinated, solutions to ending climate change could become more efficient. For instance, one example of government cooperation is country to country release of debt to protect natural ecosystems. According to TitleMax, Brazil owes $116.2 billion of debt to the United States alone. Not to mention, according to CNN and INPE, 3,750 square kilometers of the Amazon rainforest were lost from January 1st to June 24th. Between deforestation, forest fires, and ineffective government control, the Amazon rainforest has been getting cleared for decades. To protect the “lungs of the earth”, the United States should collaborate with the Brazilian Government and forgo a portion of the debt. In return, the Brazilian Government will enforce stricter government protection of the Amazon rainforest. Some might say that this proposal is absurd because the United States doesn’t receive any benefit at all. However, this statement is incorrect as Brazil’s success can positively affect the United States. According to NBC, the Amazon rainforest contributes $8.2 billion to the Brazilian economy. The more successful Brazil’s economy is, the faster Brazil can pay its debts to the United States Government. This cooperation can also improve relations between Brazil and the United States and prompt future political prosperity. Lastly, as a leading figure in modern society, the United State’s actions can help trigger a chain of similar events and promote the importance of fighting climate change. Overall, government collaboration can help save various ecosystems around the world, such as the Amazon and the Great Barrier Reef, and mitigate climate change’s destruction.

The final solution, mentioned in this article, that could restrain climate change is an educational and scientific proposal. One of the most significant causes of climate change is the production of greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agriculture sector composes 11% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. For an easy way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the United States Government should implement free, mandatory agricultural classes for all people in the agriculture industry. These classes should cover a wide range of topics, such as irrigation, land use, crop rotation, fertilization, manure management, etc. Educating farmers could severely reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote economic development within the agricultural industry. Other massive contributors to the production of greenhouse gas emissions are the Transportation Sector, the Electricity Sector, and the Commercial and Residential Sector; these sectors make up 27%, 25%, and 13% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, respectively. Building public transit, urban planning, and educating the citizens of each city on alternative options for transport can help reduce gas emissions in the transportation sector. For the electricity sector, educating the public on renewable sources of energy, the implementation of renewable energy in government and public buildings, and tax breaks, as mentioned earlier, can help reduce gas emissions in the electricity sector. Lastly, wastewater treatment, waste management, and educating the public on energy conservation can help reduce gas emissions in the commercial and residential sector. By educating the public to reduce gas emissions using various scientific means, nations around the world will be able to make a large step in tackling climate change. 

Ultimately, the main objective of this article was to display the countless amounts of precautions governments can take to combat climate change. It is high time for governments around the world to unite as a singular society and implement solutions against climate change. As said before, although the article depicted economic, political, and educational/scientific solutions, there is an abundance of actions governments can take. The earth is humanity’s most precious resource and it is our duty, as the dominant race on Earth, to protect it from harm. It’s time for a change; it’s time for action. 

The author's comments:

This article is dedicated to finding effective solutions to fight climate change by uniting societies around the world. Each of the proposals mentioned in the article is a plausible solution in combating climate change as it unites countries and prevents fragmented efforts. 

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