One to Remember For a Lifetime | Teen Ink

One to Remember For a Lifetime

October 16, 2023
By Chaseno BRONZE, Temperence, Michigan
Chaseno BRONZE, Temperence, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am  6´3, 285 pounds, blonde, and have blue eyes. I play two sports: football and wrestling. I hunt, fish, ride four wheelers, and do firewood for money. I am kind, hardworking, mentally tough, self driven for higher goals, and set goals for myself to achieve.

 I was walking in the early morning at 6:30 am to my morning home, in nature. I get to my stand and I get set up with my rifle,my snacks, and backpack. As I wait I'm texting my dad who is 1200 yards to the left of me. I wait for the sky to blue and to see that beautiful orange sunrise. I smell the cow poop in the air. I hear the birds singing their lullabies. I listen to the woods come alive. I watch as the squirrels play tag and hear the crunching of leaves as they play. I hear the woodpeckers pecking to find food. I hear and watch the geese fly in v formation as they are led by a strong leader. I watch the farmland and woods turn into a beautiful community. As the morning hunt comes to an end I get out of my stand and thank the lord for letting me observe his beautiful creatures he has created. I tell myself until next time.

As I walk to my morning spot I smell the cow poop, and the dew of the grass on my gear. I get to my spot and I get set up and get cozy because I will be here for a couple of hours. As I get cozy in my new home, I get my rifle up and ready for a deer to walk by. As I sit and wait the sky turns blue then orange and into a beautiful sunrise. As I sit through the beautiful sunrise, I see the woods and farm fields come alive. I hear the morning birds hear their lullabies and the geese going south, and the squirrels run around playing, I get enjoyment and excitement while listening to the woods and smelling the fresh cool air. 

As I sit there I read a book to pass time, this book is my favorite book to read. It is about world war two and the attack on D-Day. I look up and I see a mama deer nurturing her twins. The twins get done nurturing and start to play around while mama stays back and feeds and naps away her exhaustion. I get my rifle ready to see if a Buck comes through for the mama deer so I can put food on my family's table. I look at the time it is 8:15am. I got plenty of time to wait and see until my stomach starts to call me for some good delicious food. 

I wait and wait watching and observing the Mama deer and her young will they play around, then all of a sudden out of the woods right under my start a Buck pops out. My heart starts to race, my hands get sweaty, I start to think really fast. I tell myself to breathe, you have plenty of time. 

The buck has been on my hitlist all year and finally he has come. I get my rifle to my shoulder, I'm shaking, I can't hold steady, My heart is in my throat, I hold my breath, take aim. Then boom I got him. I watched him run and fall. I'm thrilled I got a big buck. As I sit there waiting for him to pass I thank god and jesus for the food he has provided me on this early beautiful morning, with the birds singing and the pretty sky.

 I get down and go to the buck and I kneel down, I admire his antlers and soft fur. I pray one more time and Thank the Lord and Jesus for this beautiful creature he has given me. I get the buck tagged to let everyone know I legally killed him. I get my knives out and start to get him gutted and cleaned out. I put him in the back of my truck and took him home to show him to my family. Then, I took him to the butcher and got him cut up for  his meat and I told the Butcher ¨ I'm going to make a mount out of him to keep the head and cape cut free.

The author's comments:

This article is about my hunting experience

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