How I would save our planet | Teen Ink

How I would save our planet

April 1, 2024
By Anonymous

I wouldn’t just do one thing, I would do many things. First I would invest in renewable energy. I would help schools, businesses, and other places get solar panels to use. Then I would launch reforestation projects to help restore old forests and bring back plants and foliage. I would donate money to help re forrest our world. Then I would start a campaign for environmental awareness to support solar energy and reforestation. I would only support companies and products who practice healthy environmental habits.
I would also partner with these companies to help and support them. Each month I Would donate my money and time to help their cause. For example I would support the Ocean cleanup project. The ocean clean has 2 different ways to solve this problem. One way is to try and remove all debris before the UV rays can break the garbage down into microplastics. They are also working towards clearing the rivers that feed trash into the ocean. Now they are using artificial intelligence to locate where the garbage is piling up in the ocean. They are trying to remove 90% of ocean garbage by 2040. Every day I would strive for a cleaner earth using as little plastic as possible and investing in things that would last me long term. And while I am doing this I would help to educate the people around me on how they can use less plastic and invest in things they can use long term.
Lastly I would start a campaign to put restrictions on one use plastics. Single use plastics are filling our oceans with plastic and it needs to stop! If we put our money and our mind to the problem we can decrease the amount of single use plastic going into the ocean.

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