Environmental solutions | Teen Ink

Environmental solutions

April 3, 2024
By Anonymous

 One thing that affects our environment is transportation, the amount of gas that goes into the air and the amount we use is extremely heavy on our air pollution and environment. Cars are a major contributor to air pollution producing significant amounts of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. 80-90% of cars’ environmental impact comes from fuel consumption and emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gasses. 

    Everything is good in moderation but finding solutions for problems that keep growing is a good idea, it's important to do everything in moderation. One thing that has come up in the last decade is electric cars. 

    Eclectic cars can reduce emissions and carbon footprint and can reduce fuel usage. Since they rely on a rechargeable battery, driving an electric car does not create any tailpipe emissions, a significant source of pollution in the United States. Making the switch over to electric cars has grown a lot over the years but still needs to have everyone on board.

   There are also other solutions than going electric, one thing we could all work on is not always having to drive everywhere, it seems like the easier way but you can be adding onto the problem, something that should be used more is public transportation or even biking, skating or if it's a short distance walking. Using these other options is a key is cutting greenhouse gas. 

Also, many scientific studies have linked air pollution and specific pollutants to various health problems and environmental impacts. Depending on the pollutant, people at greater risk for experiencing air pollution-related health effects may include older adults, children, and those with heart and respiratory diseases

    People sometimes use resources just because there available and they may seem easier but if we all keep doing it, it will only get worse. Air pollution/ climate change increases by 5.5 percent in just two years (2016 to 2018), after decreasing by 25 percent over the previous seven years.

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