Save Our World | Teen Ink

Save Our World

November 13, 2012
By Anonymous

Dear Polluters,

Our world is being polluted every day more and more with factories and cars. People are not realizing that this is hurting our world. Money won’t be able to fix that soon because money can’t grow trees or develop animals. We need to start making a real improvement in our world today; make it a better world to live in for the new generation.

One way we could help is hybrid cars. One reason why these cars are better are because they have a battery pack that you can plug in and it lasts you a very long time and only have to go to the gas station once every month! One less car burning fuel can mean the difference in our world.
Another thing that is polluting our world is air pollution. Factories every day are creating more and more smoke and it is even creating smog. They have these misty sprinklers in the stack of factories where the smoke comes out to make it less dense. That is how I think that we should live our lives and how we should clean up our world.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 20 2012 at 4:35 am
Master_Panda BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
That is true i wish people started to understand that some of these little changes can make a big different and it can hurt us if we dont try to change some of these day to day items we use that can harm the environment if we dont be careful