Animal Endangerment Awarness | Teen Ink

Animal Endangerment Awarness

March 18, 2013
By Rachel Fearing BRONZE, Mendon, Massachusetts
Rachel Fearing BRONZE, Mendon, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Remember those cute innocent pandas that you see in movies, magazines, and pictures? Well, they might not be around for much longer thanks to poachers carelessly killing them for their own benefits. Animal endangerment is a huge issue today and continues to become worse with the human race being careless and hurting innocent animals. According to the dictionary, endangered species are simply, species at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, or changes in predator-prey ratios. Generally, issues like this are overlooked and forgotten after the article is read, but it is important to me.

Many people assume that animal endangerment is completely caused by natural causes, that there is nothing we can do. The sad true is, much of it has to do with humans unnecessarily hunting these animals. Instead of focusing on the things we can’t change, why don’t we focus on what can be changed? There are multiple areas that can help endangered species now and help to prevent animal endangerment in the future. The fact that one of the reasons for animal endangerment is human activity really says a lot about the problem. It should give us hope that there is something we can do to make a difference and start a change.

The adorable panda species is endangered, there are only about 1600 remaining in the wild. The main reasons for the endangerment of pandas are habitat loss, and poaching. Unfortunately there is little that can be done about the habitat loss, at this point. However, the poaching threat is something that can be addressed and hopefully changed. Poachers are targeting the panda’s fur for their own profit. This is extremely wrong and not dignified. There is no good reason to kill a panda for its fur. It is a greedy, cruel excuse to kill pandas, and should be addressed immediately.

There is also the obvious threat of the accidental killing of the pandas. While this is somewhat less of a threat with hunting restrictions, it is always a possibility. The hunting restrictions should be targeted on the remaining pandas and helping keep them safe and regrow the species population. There is no reason for people to hunt in an area that contains an endangered species. There should be more severe penalties enforced for anyone caught hunting in these areas.

Why wait until pandas are extinct? Start now and make a difference that will hopefully save the species. Many people will read this and never think about this again, but I hope there are a few people that will open their eyes to this issue and will help make a difference. Think about the innocent animals that do no harm and are killed because someone wants to profit from their fur. So just take a few minutes out of your day, and think about what you can do to save the pandas.

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