Dawn on the beach | Teen Ink

Dawn on the beach

September 17, 2013
By Anonymous

I was raised in one of the most beautiful beach city in Vietnam, where the waves whispering throughout the year, where there are tourist trains depart every morning and the beach is always packed with people. All of these things were very familiar scene to me but the view when the sun rising bathes the sky in wonderful hues of orange, pink and violet makes my heart stirred, I am in awe and thrilled at the beauty of it - a rare beauty that Mother Nature has given to us.

On an early morning, when the sun had still not awakened, the breeze of the wind made every single hair on my skin stand up, carried moisture of the sea which caresses my body. It seemed so quiet and tranquil I feel these waters are in deep sleep as my footprints were marked on the sand. Lazily behind the mountains, the sun is waking up looming like a bright red balloon is slowly rising, then the scenery momentarily becomes as vivid as its original life. Everything suddenly becomes so brilliant in different angles as sparkling diamonds. All created a feeling of cheery and pleasant.

Flocks of seagulls hovering in the clear welcome sky as if they were looking for something. On the shore, an old couple "hand-in-hand" are talking to each other and enjoying the atmosphere in this peaceful place. The sounds of singing birds, undulating waves, people chatting all blend together to bring a new rhythm to life. The landscape is so mysterious, shimmering and magical. A surreal mix of fact and fantasy. The sunrise over the sea forever imprinted in my heart, the scene which attached to my hometown that Mother Nature has bestowed upon us.

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