Of My Generation (Feedback) | Teen Ink

Of My Generation (Feedback)

September 18, 2013
By JessicaWu SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
JessicaWu SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
they make the honey we make the money

Of My Generation

Why would anyone think that a life with highly advanced technology, great schools, and brilliant people would be a bad one? The 21st century is filled with efficient innovations that help people go through everyday life, which is why Amal Oladuja’s article “Of My Generation” is an invalid representation of this century. I understand how life can sometimes be tiring, but there’s no reason to claim that this century is one where someone’s future has been “ice-picked to the minutest detail.” With the great inventions we have today, life is the complete opposite. It is now more than any time where everyone is free to be as ambitious as they like without anything holding them back.

Amal claims that the expectations are way too high, and that it is impossible to balance out education, health, sleep, and a social life. How can that be with all the extraordinary inventions we have access to? We have the internet to help with education, efficient kitchen appliances to help with eating right and new, quick exercises to maintain good health. That leaves enough time for a social life and sleep. The article also states that with the invention of electronics, people don’t think, reason, or deduce. Actually, the electronics assist us when it comes to those. Electronics help us research information and take it in quickly, so the information taken in can be used in our thinking, reasoning, and deducing. It is also said that people of our generation are expected to follow the footsteps of the last generation’s successful people. I believe the complete opposite. This generation is filled with people with their own unique ambitions. People are creating footsteps, not following. This generation’s people are more willing than any other has to try to be different. Individuality is encouraged and people now are trying to break free from the chains of tradition. The 21st century is a generation filled with opportunities, and instead of complaining about life people should try their best to make the most of it.

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