The Slow Destruction of Our World | Teen Ink

The Slow Destruction of Our World

September 28, 2013
By socortes BRONZE, Bogota, Other
socortes BRONZE, Bogota, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are so many opinions on how we are destroying the world. Some say that it’s because of the food we consume like milk and the products we use like diapers. They say that kids in America for example consume way too much of these products in their life time, therefore producing a lot of carbon emissions and destroying our world by doing so. I disagree with this because we use those products excessively because we need them, there are essential to our way of life. We need to consume milk for our health and we need to use diapers for babies. Their argument is made up by showing us the exact amount of these products that American kids use. But this argument is just generalizing and it doesn’t mean anything because we’ll consume a lot of milk in our lifetime because we need too! We can’t stop consuming milk just to lower carbon emissions there are other things we can change, but our eating ways shouldn’t be one of them. A way we could lower our carbon emissions is by using more public transport, recycling etc. These small changes can go a long way if we all live by them. An attempt to lower carbon emissions was made by Cap and Trade. This is an agreement when countries decide on a certain amount of carbon emissions that should be allowed per year and they attempt to lower our carbon emissions by distributing permits. Scientists say we need to reduce our carbon emissions to 350 ppm from 387 ppm. The problem is that most of the global economy runs on burning carbon and I don’t think Cap and Trade will change anything but instead make it worse, The Devil is in the Details! The permits the countries give out yearly won’t work because they are free so in fact the polluters will get more money by selling the permits to other companies and in third world countries it would be hard to know if real carbon is actually being removed. If Cap and Trade is ever going to make a difference to the world I believe it needs to come up with stricter rules. At the moment companies can easily get out of it, so it’s not being as affective as it could be. We need to find a solution to decrease our carbon emissions but in a strict and fair way that people will still be able to live comfortable lives. So changing our eating habits is never going to work because we need to eat what we eat and Cap and Trade won’t work either because there’s too many loop holes.

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