Gravity | Teen Ink


October 25, 2013
By Anonymous

I want to touch the sky but The Earth tells me no. It whispers in my ear that I have to stay connected, I have to keep my feet on the ground where everybody else is. When I reach towards the sun where I see the strongest light, Gravity pulls me back where I know I don't belong. I am only a small being that is barely seen. I must think, one who is small can be mighty. Every time I fight for me, Gravity's restraints let loose just a little more. They are slowly breaking, slowly getting weaker. I need to be free. I need to live and let my wings spread.The Earth calls my name and whispers in my ear once again. I cant be someone else than this. I have to be like everyone else sitting down there stuck to the ground completely under gravity's control. Maybe someday I will find a way someday to cheat gravity and be more than me.

The author's comments:
Society keeps us stuck and trapped where we don't long to be. How do we break free?

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