Pollution | Teen Ink


November 8, 2013
By jlancaster BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
jlancaster BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


From the beginning of time the earth has given so much to its inhabitants, from the water we drink to the air we breathe. Over time, man has learned how to take advantage of this giving land. To use the plentiful gifts against the Earth that provided them.

It all started with one person that would get up to throw his trash away. Why must we destroy our home? We may not see the trouble we are causing, but we will probably realize before it is too late like we have seen many times throughout time. The earth is slowly fading away because of careless actions towards our home. We seem to take more care of our houses than the earth.

Every day, we attack the very ground we live on by littering and pumping waste from factories and sewage into the oceans that we use daily and that animals live in There are few, on the other hand, who treat the world as the way it should be treated, with respect. I believe that being a saver is one of the hardest groups to conform to. You are a non-conformist by keeping the earth clean, shouldn’t it be the other way around?

There are so many people who try to make a difference; that dare to restore faith in humanity. Certain programs take the time out of their days to pick up trash and litter all over the U.S. These people have seen what can become of all of this that most of us just can not see. We are too careless to see the thousands of plastic bags, bottles, and cans all around us. Recycling bins and trashcans are everywhere around us. Isn’t that the reason we have trash and recycling services that clean out those bins?

If everyone would step up and throw their trash away, the world would be a better and cleaner place. It shouldn’t be the norm to litter and destroy the earth but rather throw your waste away and clean the earth and it will provide more for us. I hope one person, one day will stand up against the majority in the fight against pollution.

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This article has 1 comment.

Ryan.W said...
on Feb. 6 2014 at 8:13 pm
Ryan.W, Nowhere, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Dear jlancaster, Pollution: You are right about pollution destrying our Earth, and I also wish that humans would step up and throw their trash away. But, why throw something away, when you can recycle! Recyclable items include milk cartons and grocery bags. After you return home from grocery shopping, throw the bags in the recycle bin, and at the end of the week, dispose of your empty milk carton! Pollution is destroying our Earth, but only because we let it. Like you said, some people do recycle and volunteer their time to clean up the mess that careless American's make, but I am reaching out to those of you who don't do that, don't care, or simply don't know where to start. Well, the easiest place to begin is in your own home, making a few changes to your everyday lifestyle. For example, use a reusable water bottle instead of a new plastic one every day. If we add up the amount of water bottles we use every day, American's create a number larger than four million. So, everyone who doesn't recycle (you are the ones polluting), join the rest of us! Save the world! Eventually, if we keep going like this, our planet will be so polluted that health problems will occur. If you want to help, get some friends together and go to the park. Pick up the trash. Recruit people who want to help, and pass it on! Together, one community at a time, we can prevent Earth from becoming one giant landfill.