Society | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By Josh_Sandoval18 BRONZE, Lake Elsinore, California
Josh_Sandoval18 BRONZE, Lake Elsinore, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- Sam Keen

In society today, more and more people get in trouble for such asinine things. Why do they in get introuble so easily? Why do people always get caught in the act? I will be able to answer most of these questions, because it’s common sense. Yet, people don’t like to think about the possibilities.

In the novel The Great Gatsby, Dr. Eckleberg has a set of eyes in the valley of ashes. Which separates East Egg and West Egg. It’s dead center in the middle of all the action. It’s in a very significant location. It’s in a location where a lot of controversy is mixed up. Well, most of the things that occur in the valley of ashes, people don’t really see everything, other than Dr. Eckleberg and Nick, Daisy’s cousin. Society is a lot like the novel. People see things, yet they don’t open their mouth when they need to. They feel that it’s taboo if they tell people what has happened. People in society today, are totally clueless about the things that happen. They don’t see the dirty work. The ugliness that the world possess’s.

The unfortunate part of all this ugliness is the people. How evil and ugly people really can be. Society has a hidden secret that will not be exposed because of all the potential risks that come to play when exposed. People are afraid of people. People make excuses for revenge, anything to get people to have sympathy for them, when they did a very heinous crime. People today don’t think before they act. They just act and don’t review what they have just done. They will commit the crime without even thinking about. Have no regrets and act as if they didn’t do it or it didn’t happen. Which is extremely sad, I have no sympathy for those being accused of a crime that they know they did. When evidence supports the crime they committed and how it all links up to the person. Yet they deny it. The way society is being brought up today, is being raised with no conscience. People don’t think about the consequences of their actions, they just do.

Eventually, they get caught. How? Most people ask themselves…”Wow, how did I get caught?” I was raised to always think of this saying wherever I was, “There’s always somebody watching”, and till this day I will never forget it. People today think that they can do a crime and get away with it, well I hate to say it, but there’s always someone watching. So no matter what, you’re going to get caught, regardless of the fact that no one’s around. You’ve got surveillance cameras, people walking, home security systems with cameras, and so no matter what; something’s going to see you in the act. Unfortunately, people are also afraid to tell someone; because they’re afraid that they will be in deeper trouble with the people they got arrested. Or that the criminal will hunt them down and kill them for “ratting” them out.

With all of this being said, society has no motivation to fix things. They just let it slide because they are afraid that it will only make things worse. Therefore, children grow up being exposed to terrible behavior and it makes them think that it’s okay to act like that. What happened to the days where kids would play in the streets until it was dark, instead of going and robbing a house. This society today is only getting worse, and people’s lives are going down the drain, because of the terrible decisions that they’re making. Do you think there is a way to help our society, and teach them how to change, and live in a world less hateful and a bit more respectful? A place where we can allow our kids to be out late and feel safe knowing that the kids will be okay.

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