the hawks we admire are real preadators. | Teen Ink

the hawks we admire are real preadators.

December 11, 2013
By qualiej BRONZE, Bridgeton Nj, New Jersey
qualiej BRONZE, Bridgeton Nj, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The eagles and hawks we admire, the real predators, tear their living victims apart. Vulture meals involve no frenzied chase or bloody kill in fact, no haste or suffering at all. Vultures wait a couple of days till the spirit of the deceased has safely departed and gases begin to leak from the decomposing corpse. But what if they battle to the death when and why people ask. The birds circle as they ascend on thermals columns of warm rising air. They look down looking for a small dusty rodents to get caught in the hawks laser beam sight. These birds are real birds and real predators they fight every day to live in the jungle.

The author's comments:
another great thing about nature

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