The environment is in serious danger | Teen Ink

The environment is in serious danger

February 13, 2014
By Billy Mays BRONZE, Somewhere, Nevada
Billy Mays BRONZE, Somewhere, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ok right now the only thing your thinking about is your flappy bird score. But there is something else to worry about and that is the environment. The environment is in danger of your habits of taking something recyclable and just throwing it anyway in the nearest trash can. But my idea is reycling the stuff we throw out. You see that water your drinking? That could be recycled. That can? Recycled. But human nature makes us pick the easy way out unless its mandatory to use the hard way.
I think we should try taking a better way to prevent bad things from happenening to the earth as we live here an without the earth we wouldnt be here. But heres some words for the companies, You guys should stop using chemicals that hurt the environment as you guys are just making the problem worse. Its like you just hate the environment I mean seriously guys.
Anyway salutations people.

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Cookies are tasty

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