How Much Gas is Left? | Teen Ink

How Much Gas is Left?

February 26, 2014
By Cameron Meyers BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Cameron Meyers BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is too much gas used in the world and one day we are going to run out. Thats why the gas prices are so high, I think they should be lower so people have more money saved up to switch over to a safer and more efficient system. To save money on gas switch over to a better gas mileage car or truck.

Theres a lot of money invested in gas for cars but people need to get around. So I suggest to get a Ford Fusion. They’re the best of the year mileage wise, but they don't look very good for guys. Thats might be a sacrifice some guys will make to save money. Most trucks don't get very good gas mileage because they're big and sometimes slow. So I would recommend a small one. It still wont get as good as mileage as a car but it will be better.

Almost all cars run on gas so it’s not that hard to believe that we're running out. There is only enough oil to last until the middle of the 21 century. Then the prices will sky rocket because the demand for it will be bigger than what earth can produce. People will be in need of a different source of power like solar power. Hopefully all cars have switched over by then, but right now there selling only a few types, the catch is they are very expensive. So if I was in your shoes I would start saving up now because the future is near. The world is running out of fuel so why not be a trendsetter and good a more efficient car today.

Gas is the highest priced in Hawaii of any state because it has to be transported from a ship to the islands. They can’t try to pump out the islands to see if they have any fuel they cant because of the hard and layered volcanic rock. The current price is at about 4 dollars a gallon. Gas is most used in Texas, the reason it is used most is because there are so much things that run on it like electricity, cars, and heating.

The reason gas is so high is because it is running out. Its really bad if you live in Hawaii for 4.20 for gas. If you take a trip to Hawaii remember your wallet you will be spending a lot. They have to import it.

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