Who Wants to Drink Saltwater? | Teen Ink

Who Wants to Drink Saltwater?

February 26, 2014
By Nolan Hartl BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Nolan Hartl BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Change your life today. Don’t Gamble on the future, act now, without delay.” (Simone De Beauvoir) Water has been being pumped out the the great lakes and this will cause many problems now and in the future. Nestle will cause damage to great lake based companies, possibly cause a shortage of water in the near future, and harm the ecosystem. Those three things lead me to believe that pumping water out of the great lakes should be illegal.

The cost to water based industries is the first point because it is the most recent damage caused. As Nestle continues to pump water out of the great lakes the water level will slowly start to decrease. With the water level decrease National Geographic says the shipping industry has to take off approximately 270 tons of cargo for every inch to maintain safety while shipping in the shallows of the canals. That amounts to several Billion dollars every year that the companies can't make because of the water levels lowering. Another company that will be losing money is the general public. As the amount of fresh water on the world deteriorates the price of water will be doing the exact opposite. According to experts from Infowars the price of water will likely triple in the next 25 years. If Nestle were to stop pumping water that would mean there would be more water in the lakes and more water for the future generations. because if there were a water shortage what would the world do.

Another reason that I think that pumping water out of the great lakes should be illegal is the likely fact of a water shortage in the near future. Imagine a world where fresh water didn't exist, that would complicate a lot of things. That is one of the choices we have to make, do we keep pumping water and let nestle and other companies turn a profit of nearly $500,000-1.8 Billion dollars a day.

The United States uses nearly 148 Trillion gallons of water a year said another national geographic article. If it is even feasible for the United States, let alone the world, to continue using water at this rate, pumping is only going to speed up the process of dehydrating the Great lakes. The article Obama allows Great Lakes Pumping also supports this with their piece that says that 1.8 billion people will face absolute water scarcity by the year 2025, which is right around the corner considering how young the planet is. Not only is it bad that the Great lakes will run out of fresh water but that would also affect the fishing industry and many other industries because the ecosystem would be “run dry”.

The fish in the great lakes all have one thing in common, they all need water and nestle pumping water from the lakes isn't going to help fish breath. As the amount of fresh water starts to run dry so will the fishing industry and so will the ecosystem. The Economical impact of pumping water out of the great lakes would be absolutely devastating. Imagine trying to breathe without air because that is what the fish will be experiencing as we pump their water away. Right now the Ogallala Aquifer is being drained at a rate of about eight hundred gallons a minute. That's about 460,800 gallons every day. And if we were to continue figuring out how much water would be pumped over the course of a year I can see why it is a urgent and very problematic issue. I put myself into that fishes perspective, I only have so long to live because those people are taking all of my water so they can sell it for money. If the Fresh water supply were to run out not only would we be at a danger but so would countless amounts of animals relying on us to stop the pumping of their water.

Pumping water out of the Great Lakes should be Illegal for the following reasons: The Harms to the great lakes based companies and the public, the possible water shortage in the near future, and the harm that will be caused to the ecosystem. These reasons are clearly more important than Nestle making a quick buck or so to say millions. There is really only two ways that we can go about this, either we can stop them from pumping water out of the great lakes of we can let them keep pumping life as we know it. As Simone said before “Change your life today. dont gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”

The author's comments:
I like fishing a lot so when I heard water was being pumped out of the great lakes i was mortified, actually just mad

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