teen ink community service | Teen Ink

teen ink community service

April 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Teen Ink
I havent done a ton of community service untill I started to attend a catholic school. Ever since I did I have been starting to help out more. Our school has been to many field trips in the Detroit area, it is so nice to help out because you get to see the looks on peoples faces. You never really know how much you have untill you meet these people. For example in 7th grade we went to a place downtown and a bunch of seniors were there. We served them and they were so grateful. Some of the kids in our grade sang or just even talked to them for a bit. We made them laugh and as well our selfs. Another time this year we made blankets for the children in Detroit hospitals. We also had to write a note to them along with their made blankets, it was quite sad because we couldn’t write “get well soon” because we knew some of the children would not get better. I felt good making these blankets though because I would feel like someone is thinking about me, and that helps. Our school has been to many others, but this has really inspired me to do more. I have been looking into places im old enough to help out with but un till then just help anyone. It can be as small as opening the door for someone or talking to friends who are going through hard times. Also being thankful for what you have and never complaining. Being this age you definatly have the urge to complain. Be thankful for what you have and remember the other people around you who have nothing, and are not complaining. As I get older I want to keep this up because without people to help others our world will get worse.

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