Problems with the Environment | Teen Ink

Problems with the Environment

May 18, 2014
By Anonymous

There are many problems with our environment today. I think one of the key problems is the pollution. Pollution is destroying trees and ruining the natural air. Pollution comes from cars and factories. Both of those release mercury which is very toxic to humans and other animals. Things that occur from pollution are wildlife dying and the clearing out of natural wildlife to make room for these killers. There are many ways to prevent this. Hybrid cars are using electricity and not putting out pollution. The problem with that is factories produce a lot of electricity and they release a lot of the pollution in our world today. Riding on bikes and walking to places helps prevent pollution because none of those releases toxic gases. There really is not a solution to this problem, but you can help in different ways to prevent it.

Another problem I saw with the environment is the recycling problem. Recycling helps take care of our planet because it allows us to reuse plastic so we don’t have to keep throwing away perfectly good plastic. Recycling also prevents our landfills from overflowing so we have more room for other trash that cannot be reused. Since many people do not recycle, landfills keep filling up. Decomposition helps our environment too since it has items decompose into the ground. This will also prevent landfills from filing up.

Since there really isn’t a solution to getting our environment perfect, scientists do research on how to make it better, and a safer place to live for the human race.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was I thought it was important for people to know what can be done about this problem and what you can do to prevent this problem from getting out of control.

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