Camping! Camping! Camping! | Teen Ink

Camping! Camping! Camping!

May 29, 2014
By Rebecca3318 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Rebecca3318 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Camping! Camping! Camping!
Camping! Camping! Camping! Most people HATE camping. Do you HATE camping and have you ever gone camping? Most of the people who said they HATE Camping probably haven't even gone camping. I bet if all of the people who said NO or said YES that they HATE camping probably would like camping if they had gone to a GOOD campground. If you follow the steps i have for you, you’ll love camping or at least like it.

People should go camping for many reasons. One reason is camping can make your family closer. When your family is closer that means that your kids will fight less. Camping is also a great activity to have with your family which also leads to making your family closer. This also will make you more familiar with the outdoors. You will also learn to appreciate the outdoors more. When you appreciate the outdoors more you can become a more respectful person. When your family is closer theres less fighting and you feel relaxed. if you also learn to appreciate the outdoors you will feel more relaxed. woodall’s say that camping can be relaxing because you can read a good book without anyone bothering and hear only soothing sounds.

People should like camping more. Some people think that camping is being in the middle of the woods with no food and no bathrooms. Camping always or at least almost everywhere I've ever gone camping has a bathroom where you can go to do your business and you can take a shower. Camping also is a great place to go on a vacation with your family to enjoy the outdoors. Most campgrounds have bathrooms says Woodall’s says that camping is a great nature vacation with your family.

Before you go camping you should always check where you are going. You should always check if there are bathrooms, water, and electricity. The bathrooms should be your number one priority. Water would also be very nice to have at your campsite if you are going to cook which most people do. You also should have electricity at your campsite which will also help when comes to cooking. You should also make sure that your camp grounds are not far from pharmacies and grocery stores. If anyone gets sick or gets hurt you can just go to the pharmacy and buy them what they need. Having a grocery store near will also make it easier when you forget food or run out of food.

People should go camping less because they might get killed by wild animals or injured badly.

Other people may claim that camping is dangerous because animals can attack and kill. Sometimes there might not be animals but not always. That also means that the animals might not attack. Its not as likely to get killed by going camping than driving. However it is not safe to go camping. You could get badly injured or bitten by wild animals. People when they go camping can get bitten by bugs and that could have been carrying diseases. Wisconsin trails says that bears are usually around campsites after food. and most people probably keep their food with them in the tent which could cause a death.

I bet you're probably thinking no this girl doesn’t know how much i hate camping. Trust me if you go camping you're guaranteed more family time and to feel more relaxed. In order to feel relaxed and have more family time you should go to a good camp ground. That means more research on the campground. I bet you will probably follow this and you’ll like camping . CAMPING!CAMPING!

The author's comments:
This is about camping and I hope all of you enjoy it.

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