Save Our Coral Reefs | Teen Ink

Save Our Coral Reefs

December 5, 2015
By Zebra1 BRONZE, Purcellville, Virginia
Zebra1 BRONZE, Purcellville, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Did you know every time you go swimming in the ocean and step on a piece of coral you are killing an organism each time? Yes these corals are alive and have been growing for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. Our reefs grow 0.3 cm to 10 cm each day. So that means they won’t be able to grow fast enough to replace the ones that have been destroyed. There are even a whole bunch of different side effects that happen too. Increasing temperature of our oceans, ocean acidification, Coral bleaching, Unethical fishing methods, Water pollution, Sedimentation, and Human activities are only some side effects that are killing our corals. I am sure that there are a lot more side effects that can happen to the coral reefs. Now we only have 74% of our coral reefs left because of growing human population and global warming's. Also there are 25% of marine animal lives and 90% of them rely on the coral. The whole ecosystem is being threatened because we are losing our reefs. If you don't believe me then the next time you go to the beach look in the water from above. I guarantee you will see rocks all over the place but what you don't know is that they are corals,  they just look very identical to rocks. Corals are very fragile and beautiful animals. While you're at the beach swimming make sure you don't step on coral because even though they are alive that doesn't mean they can protect themselves. Lets help protect them from ourselves! Also littering can really hurt the coral reefs. Coral reefs need clean water to survive because they are also alive. If we need clean water then I am sure that they need clean water too.There are many organizations who are trying to protect the remaining coral reefs. They want to encourage countries to preserve what's left and stop illegal fishing practices. I hope our country keeps helping  our coral reefs survive. I also have an idea for what we can do to help our coral reefs! If you are at the beach or anywhere and see litter you should pick them up. Then you would go to the nearest store to turn them in. You would get $5.00 for 1 pound and $10.00 for 2 pound or $5.00 every time you turn in a pound of litter.  PLEASE PICK UP YOUR TRASH OR ANY OTHER TRASH YOU FIND. Thank you!!!!!!!!

The author's comments:

I have heard that our coral reefs are dieing because divers are steping on our coral and because there are lots and lots of litter in our ocean. I hope people will stop the littering or when you are at the beach or anywhere you should pick up trash if you see it. And none could ever go for a walk with out seeing any litter/trash.  

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fiffer said...
on Nov. 17 2016 at 12:28 pm
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hi u should read just highlight the link then right click then click vist page.