Save Our Blissful Environment | Teen Ink

Save Our Blissful Environment

February 28, 2016
By alessa_aishah BRONZE, Kuantan, Other
alessa_aishah BRONZE, Kuantan, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Just a new beginning ❤️

As a passenger in this world, we have to save the world from any damage. One of the method to secure our earth is recycling. Recycling is reuse anything of processes waste product to be use for another function . For example, an excessive plastic bottle can be recycle and process as a raw material to make PVC pipe. In order to conserve the environment there contains several steps can be used.

First of all, it easy to carry out at home because we always use the things with packaging that can be recycle. For example, we always use bottle sauce, food container, aluminum tin and read newspaper. From all of this usage, we cane asily get the source of glass, paper, plastic and aluminium at home to be recycle. Nect, we need to sort out the items accordingly based on their materials. It is convenient to sort out all type of materials separately. Move clearly, all the materials also can be isolate in distinct dustbin colour. Finally, we can take all the recycle thing to be recycling centre to be process further. By doing all the things, we can help to conserve the environment from being polluted.

In conclusion, recycle gives a lot of benefits for us and also the environment. It is suggested to hold awareness campaign to encourage every household to involve in recycling. That's why every household should carry out recycling

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