We Need More Bike Trails | Teen Ink

We Need More Bike Trails

March 9, 2016
By mhs21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
mhs21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lots of people love biking, it is a fun way to lose energy and get involved with a community. Sadly people and communities are denying adding bike trails to their city because of the cost and effort they take to make. I am here to state reasons why we should add more bike trails to our communities even with the cot and efforts they might take.

Biking is one the most easiest ways to burn calories, it can improve leg muscles and has a less chance of getting you injured than other popular activities. When you run a community or you are on a city board you want to make sure that your city is healthy and a good place to live. If people in your city are healthy because off all the bike trails you have added, you can easily attract others to come to your city to live, which can make you more money in the long run. People these days are not motivated enough to bike or run or anything really, but if you add good bike trails in your community with great scenery and animals to see, people will have a good reason to go biking on your trails.

A plus side to bike trails is that they can bring communities together, when people interact it makes them get filled with joy and interest. Once communities build the bike trails and two or three people start going on them, those people will interact and then tell their friends about it and adventually bring in attention. Some bike trails in the U.S.A have entrance fees for citizens to pay before entry, this or even a donations box will bring money to a community and help pay for expenses. Some communities have policies against donation boxes in their town, they might have to stretch this rule to allow the trail to accept donations.

The final reason I am going to share with you is that companies and stores can benefit from bike trails because with more people out and about on bikes they see all the companies and tell their friends and others about them. This could bring more money to the business with more activity there, this could also let their business expand into new things. Bike trails can help any community get more people on bikes and noticing local businesses.

Out of all the reasons I mentioned—companies, interaction, income—any community can find a good reason to make bike trails. There are many more reasons why bike trails are helpful than just the ones I stated, but these are some main ones. There are still many counterclaims about this subject, but I think my reasons push them out of the way, and prove why bike trails can help mine and your community.

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