Stop the Violence | Teen Ink

Stop the Violence

March 23, 2016
By Anonymous

Now a day’s people are getting killed over things that are so small, or even people playing around and it ending up being an accident. I lost a lot of close friends to gunplay and the streets.  No ones parents should have to go through the pain with burying their child.  Some people also go before there times, we should live to enjoy our lives, and defiantly not going away over gun violence.

I believe the saying “everything happens for a reason.” But I only say it to make myself feel better. Days are getting shorter. It really hurts when you lose someone you love all because people want to play with guns. My friends are both taken away from the killer, the one and me killed...We were all friends; it was something that didn’t have to happen. An accident can mess you up for a long time.

Why don’t we just put the guns down, protect yourself with your fist if you feel threaten, how could you feel comfortable taking someone’s life over a petty argument. Not only are they hurting the one that’s gone but they’re hurting their love ones that they have. Lets be able to live life!

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