The Advantages of GMOS | Teen Ink

The Advantages of GMOS

May 20, 2016
By pottervian GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
pottervian GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are plants, animals, or microorganisms that contain genetic material which has been in altered in a way that does not occur naturally by processes such as mating or the recombination of genes. The making of GM food’s involves the insertion of a gene, such as the increasing of Vitamin A, to produce a new food that is viewed of higher quality. Although the first GMOs was approved in 1982, the controversy surrounding these foods has recently been popularized. Both scientists and everyday consumers question whether GM foods are truly safe to keep in one’s fridge. Besides certain beliefs, genetically modified foods are not a threat to society, but, in fact, a push to create a more developed one. GMOs are a necessity to the human life and should be available to the public because they can be produced at a faster rate and shield crops from insects.

Genetically modified foods should continue to be manufactured due to the fact that GM foods can be more quickly produced than regular foods. Since the early 2000’s, the population of the world increased by almost a billion. With the risk of the world getting overpopulated, there might not be enough non-GM food to feed everyone. With genetically modified foods, however, that is not the case. According to the article, “Are Engineered Foods Evil?” the GM crops of corn, cotton, and soy has increased by 20 to 30 percent than the making of non-engineered crops. If more GMOs were produced  so would the amount of food available for people to consume. GM foods would be a salvation from the potential threat of hunger that is placed upon humanity. With the quick production of the safe engineered foods, the world can be sustained with their supplement of nutrition.

Genetically modified crops should be available to the public in the view of the fact that they bring forth protection from insects without applying unnecessary chemicals on the food. In normal circumstances, crops are sprayed with pesticides, which are toxic chemicals that kill off insecticides. According to the Toxin Actions Center, pesticides are a safety hazard to humans by causing effects such as nausea, headaches, and can result in reproductive harm. With genetically modified foods, however, a toxic bacterium gene that prevents against insects can be inserted in the food. Studies in the University of San Diego proves that the toxin placed in the GMOs is safe for the use of humans. Genetically modified foods would prevent the crops getting eaten by insects and will be a danger to the health of humans. It will both increase the production of foods and decrease the amount of hazards that inflict the well-being of humans.

On the other hand, genetically modified foods can have a negative impact on society because it may cause allergic reactions within certain people. According the article by the Institute for Responsible Technology, studies have been conducted in England that soy allergies increased by 50% after GM soy began to be sold more widely. This is because genetically modified soy contains seven times more of the soy allergen than regular soy. Although this conflict can be a potential threat to those with the soy allergy, it can be easily solved due to labelling. As stated in the article, “Fight the GM Food Scare” some countries in Europe, required mandatory labelling for GM foods. With the labelling, people can be notified about the ingredients and not purchase the specific foods that can be harmful towards their immune system. Also, recent studies have shown that GMO’s pose no harm to society. The U.S Food and Drug Administration perform tests to see whether the crops/foods are toxic or allergenic. The results reveal that the foods are perfectly safe for consumption, so besides certain beliefs, genetically modified foods are advantageous.

Genetically modified foods pose no threat to society and are beneficial to the people. GM crops can solve various conflicts such as the great problem of world hunger and the chemical hazards pesticides provide. It is a solution to many different challenges the world currently faces along with being perfectly safe for consumption. Genetically modified foods are tested for safety, so they pose no threat to society in forms of health. They are in no way damaging besides what certain non-GMO believers state. Ultimately, GM crops are economically beneficial and should remain available for the public.

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