GMOs Are Bad | Teen Ink

GMOs Are Bad

May 19, 2016
By dillynnew BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
dillynnew BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Are GMOs (genetically modified organisms) really a good thing? Farmers should not be able to use GMOs because they are causing many problems by destroying the environment and by causing cross contamination with other foods it also is dangerous to eat.

You should care because the are causing a lot of issues with the environment, bad to consume, and is causing cross contamination with other plants.  This is an issue because of everything it is doing.  This argument should be brought up more often because if you want to be able to live on this planet forever  thing such a this are going to have to be changed because If everyone keeps going down this road people are going to be in trouble.
GMOs also known as  Unnatural genetic Organism are unhealthy and are not very safe to eat.GM foods have undergone little long-term safety testing for humans, but several animal tests have shown negative health effects. Recently, a major study verified that the substance used in most major pesticides including best-selling Roundup, glyphosate, causes birth defects. And in 2007, another independent study proved that Roundup induced sterility in male lab rats. -says Jeffrey Smith.  People should also know that bacterial gut rot has also been found on the animals it has been tested on.  This shows that they are causing health effects on people use or eat something that it has been used on.

GMOs are bad for the environment.  The repeated use of land for single-crop agriculture (monoculture), whether GMO or not, has resulted in dead soil that requires heavy doses of chemical fertilizer and pesticides to be productive. Significantly, GMOs were primarily designed to be resistant to powerful pesticides to encourage their use. (activespost,2016) The reason they are bad for the environment is because of what the are made out of, and it is harming wildlife/ sea life.

GMOs are causing Unnatural genetic contamination.  Releasing any foreign genetic mutation into the wild can have unpredictable i.consequences. It has been compared to the disastrous results of releasing a new animal species that isn’t native to a territory — except GMOs are not native to any territory. GMOs aggressively cross-contaminate neighboring organic plants, causing a lot of damage.   (activespost,2016) as it say these GMOs did not come from any part of the world.  They didn’t even come from the natural resources that the earth provides. They are made from these chemicals that are really bad and they are  not only causing problems for the people that decide to eat them but also for thepeople who don't want them entering into their body’s.

Now you are probably thinking but they help produce and make more crops faster.  But it still isn’t safe to put these chemicals into your body’s.  Because of what they are doing.

So hopes this helped tell you why farmers should not be allowed to use GMOs. because they are  causing many problems by destroying the environment and by causing cross contamination with other foods it also is dangerous to eat.

The author's comments:

Hi my name is dillyn new and i wrote this paper hoping someone would take time out of their day to read this imformation. So that people will learn about what is going on in their environment i hope you like this paper, as liked writing it.

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