Why GMOs Should Be Banned | Teen Ink

Why GMOs Should Be Banned

May 19, 2016
By Anonymous

They kill our plants and livestock. GMOs should be stopped because they’re linked to things generally considered bad, they kill our animals, and they kill our plants, as well. It kills the things we eat and this essay will hopefully prove it’s point.

GMOs are linked to things you generally don’t want to be linked to, for example, They cause many allergic and toxic reactions. This is something that’s generally not good, and would you want to be linked to that? They are also linked to other things, like killing animals.

GMOs kill our animals. “They cause damage to virtually every organ in tested animals.” says Responsibletechnology.org. Tested animals are still animals, and causing damage to virtually every organ is harm. This can kill animals, and not only do they hurt animals, they hurt plants also!

GMOs hurt and kill other plants. Pollen from GMOs kill other plants who take that pollen. (except for soy.) Their pollen is KILLING other plants. keyword=killing. Do YOU want to live off of soy? This is something you don’t want to be linked to.

You might say we just need to test it further. But farmers already have them. You might also say that we can just take them away. But farmers like these GMOs and won’t easily part with them.

This is why GMOs need to be stopped. We need to stop the GMOs because they are linked to certain things, they kill animals, and they are a danger to plant life. GMOs will kill all our animals and plants until there’s only soy left. Do you want to live off of soy?

GMO Education - Institute for Responsible Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved May 06, 2016, 

The author's comments:

I truly believe that GMOs should be at least stopped and made better, but they can't do that in this state.

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