Behind the Glass: Orca Captivity | Teen Ink

Behind the Glass: Orca Captivity

October 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Orcas are not acting the same in captivity and researchers know it. Though there are benefits of having marine animals in aquariums for visitors to learn about and appreciate, the appreciation is in vain by the discomfort of these animals. Many aquariums and marine parks have been denying the fact that captivity is not morally correct. There are many Orcas still in captivity to this day and not only that but the information told to visitors about the Orcas are mostly incorrect due to the ignorance of the uneducated workers.

When these Orcas are in captivity, their behavior isn’t the same as when they were free and wild. This not only puts themselves in danger healthwise, but it puts their trainers in danger and those who interact with them in the water. Keeping Orcas captive in these large pools causes more trouble than it does benefit.

The benefits of having Orcas available for tourists to visit in Marine Parks and Aquariums includes such as enhancement of human appreciation for all animals, conservation of species, and advancement of knowledge of these animals (PBS). Not only that but there are many aquariums and marine parks that include facilities that are rehab and rescue centers for these marine animals. So this benefit is directly for the animals themselves. In this facilities, researchers can learn more about the animals and essentially use that information to help manage their animal population in the wild. It has been said that “the study of endangered species in aquariums by aquarists has directly contributed to the preservation of their species” (Newsweek). However, there are few ignorant people who have said “All animals, including human beings, suffer to a varying extent in their natural environment and it would be inconceivable for animals not to suffer at times in captivity”. I find this statement looking past the situation that these animals are being harmed in captivity because they have little space and cannot behave naturally and it can be fixed. Studies have actually also shown, “The mental, emotional and physical stress that captive whales and dolphins suffer can weaken their immune systems and make them prone to disease”.


(Whales) There has been false information about the whales told to tourists and visitors by the Visitor guide in many Marine Parks and Aquariums. Because the animals have lower immune systems in captivity, the animals have been dying at an earlier age so the visitor guides, who have not researched these animals, would only assume that this must be their lifespan in wild. But in reality, these animals aren't living natural lives in these large pools. Captive whales and dolphins have been trained to perform tricks for food instead of behaving naturally. It has been concluded sadly that “these parks and zoos are part of a billion-dollar industry built on the suffering of intelligent, social beings who are denied everything that is natural and important to them”(Peta). Their comfort is completely unweighted in the process of deciding to capture these animals in the first place and everything that they used to once do in the wild is no longer available for them. Orcas live in complex social groups in the wild, however in captivity, they will usually be separated from their families due to cruel hunts often when they were very young..

These animals should be released and retired to open ocean areas that are closed off so no Orca gets out into the open ocean since they may not have all skills as they once had as wild animals. Captive Orcas shouldn't have to perform for their food anymore, but instead be given it in a natural manner to be taught how to live in the wild again. This industry of death is only harming more beings than benefiting them and is disgustingly getting money off of these Orca’s discomfort. We can help today by not supporting these parks or visiting them anymore just to show how we are disgusted in their business and ignorance of how these wild Orcas actually feel.

The author's comments:

This piece has been written for a class assignment where we learned to write research papers and Op-Ed. It is about the controversy over captive marine animals.

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