My Letter to the Future Generation | Teen Ink

My Letter to the Future Generation

October 26, 2016
By alyssamhartley BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
alyssamhartley BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Future Generation,

I really hope that you can read this and understand that I know how you feel. You all will grow up to be beautiful people inside and out, if you strive to be. I wish that you all can see your worth from day one, because I don’t want any of you to hate yourselves. Each and every one of you has purpose of this earth, so please promise me that you will see that. I know that sometimes things get hard and you feel like everything is falling down, but I wish, for your sake, that you learn how to dust yourself off and stand back up again. 


Life is not always easy, and in a world like ours people can be mean, but I wish that you won’t let those people get to you and bring you down. I wish that the people who want to hurt others could start loving themselves, because you can’t love anyone else until you love yourself. Some people just have so much hate in them that they forgot what it feels like to love, and as the future generation I wish for you to help those people remember what love feels like. I wish that you will embrace those people who need to learn how to love again, and help them like you would want someone to help you.


I hope that you will all respect each other and be kind, because this world doesn’t need anything more than it needs kindness. Please respect the people that try to help you grow such as, your parents, teachers, and peers, because they wish for you to be the best they know you can be.


If you have an issue of some sort, I wish that you will remember to be peaceful when solving the issue, because being destructive won’t help anyone. People are going to be jealous of you at one point and I wish that you handle the situation maturely and take it as a compliment. When people are jealous of you, it is because they want to be like you, so please promise me that you won’t be cruel to those people even it they are cruel to you.


I wish for you all to not compete against one another, but to work together as one powerful force. Competition brings out the worst in people, and I wish that you will never have to see that side of each other.


If you take care of this earth, yourselves, and each other, you will have a successful society. So, I wish that you can achieve all you hope and dream, because you all deserve it. Last, but not least I wish for you to be happy, because happiness is contagious. If everyone is happy, there will be no reason for war, because people dying in vein is not what we need. I wish you the best and I hope this helps you remember why you are so important.

The Past Generation

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