Real Life | Teen Ink

Real Life

December 20, 2022
By rustytoe BRONZE, South Abington Township, Pennsylvania
rustytoe BRONZE, South Abington Township, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When was the last time you heard a song about love?  Probably today.  Nowadays you hear a lot of songs about love and friendship.  But these songs are either about breakups, marriage, proposals, losing friends, or nostalgia, which often glorify or understate the topic.   The songs seem to be made for people to be nostalgic about when ‘this’ happened to them (whether this nostalgia is good or bad depends on the person and experience).  Oftentimes the songs seem to be made to cry or be happy to.

Real life isn’t just crying and being happy.  Real life friendship and love isn’t only about breakups, marriage, proposals, losing friends, or nostalgia.  Real life is about all the things that lie between.  About the small moments, the times you and your friends went to eat together, when you went to the park, when your friend says something dumb and you laugh, when they get a terrible haircut and look like a knock-off of someone else (who also looks terrible).  In real life things aren’t only the extreme, there are things lying between the extremes.  Life isn’t about dwelling on the extremes, sure you can be happy or sad about them and think of them often, but don’t focus on them. 

Life’s about the things that lie between.

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