Love Hesitates | Teen Ink

Love Hesitates

October 20, 2011
By Willywonka BRONZE, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Willywonka BRONZE, Spotsylvania, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love Hesitates-

Computer Science.
What is computer science?
I haven’t the foggiest.
Curious how I’m now a computer science teacher.

What is love?
No clue.
Funny how I’m married then.

I suppose it’s that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside around Christmas time.
Or that feeling of being full after Thanksgiving.
Or that sensation you get when you drop on a roller coaster.
Or maybe it’s that feeling when you hug somebody.
Not, any somebody, but one of those somebodies that you hug and it feels just right.
Not too tight or tall or short or big. Not a lame loosey goosey hug, but a firm, supportive, warm embrace that fills you.
Maybe that’s love.
Or maybe love is reading a really good book that sweeps you out of your desk and into another world.
Or perhaps getting an A in a subject you’re not good at.
Then, I guess love can be blurred with Happiness.
Like how you love you’re favorite candy bar and you’re happy when your mom buys one unexpectedly.
But Love should be able to exist without its friend happiness, right?
I mean if you’re having an unhappy day, does that mean you can’t show love?
Or Shouldn’t show love?
Yet how much love does an unhappy person show?
I don’t know, I’m not really a philosophical person.
Just an ordinary computer science teacher.
But really love and happiness do go together.
If you love someone you’re happy with them.
And if you’re happy then you’re probably more likely to love.
Really it’s a good thing that love and happiness are friends.
But sometimes Happiness is fooled.
When happiness runs off and becomes friends with other characters that may look like love: Money, Fame, Lust, Acceptance.
When Love Hesitates,
That’s when things start to go wrong.
But what do I know?
I’m just a computer science teacher.

The author's comments:
A piece I wrote for a school writing club I am in.


This article has 1 comment.

Afra- SILVER said...
on Nov. 5 2011 at 8:46 am
Afra- SILVER, Colombo, Other
8 articles 0 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
Even when the sun sets the moon will rise.

I love this. Its very true...