life as a Christian | Teen Ink

life as a Christian

April 24, 2013
By Anonymous

Life as a Christian

My dad grew up in a catholic home with 2 brothers and 2 sisters. But when he was 17 he turned to a Christian. My dad became saved a Christian event at a coffee shop. A friend invited him to church and my dad went and he met my mom there. They got married and had 20 kids. All of his other brothers and sisters are still catholic. And his parents were too. My dad said receiving the Holy Spirit is very intense. He received the Holy Spirit when he was 18. My dad’s favorite verse is Proverbs 18:22. This verse says “he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the lord” My dad says this is his favorite verse because it’s about marriage.
My dad raised all of his kids in a Christian home. He had all of us go to church and we weren’t allowed to skip it. For a while he also made all of us go to youth group as well. My dad’s always reading the bible and listening to Christian music. My dad is also a board member for our church. After about a year of going to our church, the board people asked my dad to join. He said yes. He likes doing it. People would always go to him to talk to about their problems. My dad would get called so much from church people. Almost every day he had something going on with the church. Meeting with the board people or someone to talk to. He also did a group every Monday night. A friend wanted a group so my dad started a bible study on Monday nights. He was also a prayer leader. We have people go up in the front of our church every Sunday and then we have people pray for them. My dad did that as well and he would lead prayer sometimes. When we had big events at the church my dad would speak at them. My dad was also the head leader of the youth group. He would teach the youth leaders some things to do and talk to them about what they are doing. My dad was a big person in the church.
My Dad also did missionaries. In August of 2009 he felt called to do missionaries with our church. Our church has another church in Africa that they go to every couple of years and do ministry there. My dad loved doing ministry. He goes all the time now. There were a lot of people that went down there but they all can’t afford it so my dad and sometimes these 2 other people would go with. My dad would always buy things they needed down there and things they would enjoy. He is adopting a girl down there and trying to get her to come up here for school. One year my dad also went to Italy and did missionaries there. He said it was very powerful in both places. The work of god was being done. He could feel god’s presence and was just powerful. He always goes back to Africa and he would like to go back sometime.

There were times that my dad gave up on Christ for reasons I don’t know about but as Christians we all fall. I asked him how he got back up his walk with god again. He said by faith. He had faith that god would help him with whatever he needs and do what’s best for him and that he had a plan for my dad. Faith is a very big thing in Christianity. You need to have faith in god that no matter what is going on things happen for a reason and he has a plan and things will get better. My dad had faith in god and things got better for him and became a big person in the church and have a better walk with Christ now. Proverbs 24:16 says “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity” Calamity means disaster, misery. So even though my dad and other people fall they get back up.
My dad is a good man in God and even though he fell in his walk with Christ he got back up. He does a lot of good things and has a better life now because he gave his life to Christ and had faith in him.

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This article has 2 comments.

green ballon said...
on May. 14 2013 at 1:18 pm
have faith, we all free to belive what we want

greenballon said...
on May. 14 2013 at 1:03 pm
being cathloc, i feel that we could all belive what we want,  but we should alway have faith