My Mom | Teen Ink

My Mom

May 16, 2013
By bethany.kane SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
bethany.kane SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has that one person that they turn to when they are desperate in need of advice. The person that I turn to is my mom. My mom is an escape for me when I feel like the world is falling apart right in front of me. Somehow she can act like a mother, but also a best friend at the same time which is what I am thankful for. Everyone needs that special one person they can share the laughs and cries with.
My mom is that one four leaf clover in the field of green. You do not come across someone like her very often. I find myself stressing over many situations and she is the one that I turn to. No matter how worked up I am I find myself more calm and relaxed after a long talk with my mom.
You know that one person that can always brighten up your day? That is my mom. She can spark up a conversation with someone she has not seen in 10 years. I know that if any of my friends need anything, they will ask my mom and they certainly have before.
I really do not know what I would do without my mom. She makes me an all around better person and impacts so many people’s lives. There should be more people in the world like her.

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