Dear: | Teen Ink


May 28, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Love of my life:

Its been months since I've been around you and we don't talk much unless I text you first. We used to be best friends, and with everything we've been threw its difficult to think of you with anyone else. I can't believe I was so naive to think I could live without you. I have always been told that love isn't about needing someone....because in life being successful is about being able to take care of yourself. Which now that I'm out of school I believe. But deep down somethings missing, and no one can replace what you have done for me. You were always there when it was important, and when you weren't you wanted to be. I'm sorry for not realizing that. Your the most important factor in my life and it seems I have chased you away. I for one have no idea what to do now.
I feel all alone even though I am always with someone. Although Its still lonely cause my love is not real. I hurt so bad everyday, and with every word you say BC I now I screwed up so bad.

Ive never felt to helpless. to be honest I feel I believe I deserve to be alone. But one day I hope I get an opportunity to be with you again...

Your my soul-mate, and I don't where Id be without you.

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