Dear You | Teen Ink

Dear You

June 2, 2013
By Emily Otto BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
Emily Otto BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It will be okay, my friend. I know it's hard. I know you are hurting.

You do a hell of a job hiding it, though. I would never be able to tell.

I'm sorry. I am truly sorry. I know that's probably the last thing you want to hear, but I am. I am so sorry you feel like this. But I hope you know that you are not alone because I go through each day with similar thoughts. You are not alone, and you will never be alone. Never, ever forget that.

I wish you would realize all the amazing things about you. I wish you would realize how your smile lights up the whole room, and how everyone gets lost in your beautiful eyes. I wish you would realize that whenever people hear your name, they immediately know not just who you are, but also what a wonderful, unique person you are. You are so much more than just a name. I wish you would realize that you're not fat. Not at all. I wish you wouldn't let your mom make you feel as if a silly number can define anyone, let alone you. I wish you would remember that you have only seen yourself in the mirror and in pictures, never in a social environment, when you're at your best. I wish you would stop comparing yourself to these other girls, because none of them, not one, have the heart, dedication, and passion that you have and always will have.

I wish that you would love yourself as much as everyone else loves you. I wish so much for you, as I do for myself. But my wishes mean nothing if YOU don't believe in yourself, if YOU don't accept that you are you and that is the farthest thing from bad.

You are so strong. You have been through so much. Why don't you give yourself more credit? Why don't you see how much you have been through, and how strong you have gotten in the process? Why can't you see it? You are so much more than you make yourself out to be. So, so, SO much more.

Stop it. Just please stop looking in the mirror and seeing yourself through the eyes of society or some fashion magazine telling you how your body should be. Stop listening to those rotten, mean, negative voices telling you that you will never amount to anything. That you are trash. That you have nothing to offer. That just because you might not always succeed, you're a failure. Those are LIES. Those are nothing but vile lies. You know that. I know you do; you're a smart girl. You need to believe that.

When will you decide that enough is enough? When will you choose to stop treating yourself like crap? Stop speaking to and about yourself like trash? Stop thinking these awful thoughts? Stop letting insecurity and doubt destroy you? I cannot comprehend, cannot understand, the ugliness you see in yourself when there is just so much compassion and beauty shining out of you.

How is it that our views contradict?

What can I do do to repair your eyes? To rid you of these completely wrong ideas that you have embed in your mind?

Will you do something for me? Will you look in the mirror and say "I love you!" to the person staring back at you? Will you tell her that her story matters? That she has incredible things to give? That she is needed?

I love you.

You are so loved.

I just wish you could see that.

The author's comments:
I hope more than anything that someone out there that is struggling with similar things will find peace and hope in my words.

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