My Dog | Teen Ink

My Dog

October 11, 2013
By Grace Kathol BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Grace Kathol BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story of my dog
I don’t know where begin. So I will start with the first day we got dog.

I was not really too interest in getting a dog as my brother and mom really wanted a white small dog. I thought it was going to be too hyper and barking all the time. I was looking at the bigger calmer dog, but I was overruled!

At first I was a little mad, than sad and than just went with the flow. My family named the dog “Chet”. I have to admit I kind of like it.

I didn’t believe he would ever become much of a friend. However, one day I was a little blue and had a lot of homework. As I was sitting on my bed, the little white fur ball busted into my room. He was full of happiness! It was hard to stay blue for long seeing his tail wag fast and furious. At that moment I realized that sometimes in life even though you don’t immediate get what you want, don’t get turned inside out. Things can sometimes surprise you.

Now, Chet I and I are best friends. Oh yeah, he is not much of a barker! I love my Chat.

The author's comments:
Never get down over something that doesn't immediately go you way as it all works out.

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