He was Prince Charming but I'm not a Princess | Teen Ink

He was Prince Charming but I'm not a Princess

November 15, 2013
By tatyana.lopez96 BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
tatyana.lopez96 BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist" -Pablo Picasso

So today I was talking to one of my closest guy friends and he brought up a good point. The topic that we were on was about my crush. My crush is a popular jock at school (How typical i know). I wouldn't consider myself to be anything close to popular and not really know around school. I am a normal person, who goes to school. Nothing to amazing about me which would make a guy like him even think twice about me.
Well anyways, my friend brought up a point which is just an opinion but it really makes sense. It was something that I would have never even thought about before he mentioned it.
He said that we pretty much stay in our social groups. I know that sounds obvious but think about it. He is a perfect jock. He is popular and attractive. I am friends with the outcast and misfits. Why would he even want to get out of his social bubble in the embarrassment to be with someone like me.
We don't usually leave our social groups for a reason, whether it is for the image that you wouldn't want to destroy or because it makes us feel more comfortable being around the people that we are used to.
But why should it be so hard to have a star cross lover? Why is it weird to love or fall for someone who is completely opposite than you? I mean opposites attract right?
I don't know what to believe. Maybe I should think that it is possible but I wouldn't want to ruin his perfect image just by letting him know these feelings. He is the perfect prince charming but I'm not a Princess whose sleep a million years for his awakening kiss. I'm not a princess whose fairy godmother grants her every wish. I'm not his perfect princess.

The author's comments:
This is just a review about my day. I've been stuck in this confusion when it comes to this guy but this makes me think of a brighter aspect on what I want and what is realistic in this society and my age group.

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