Complicated Love | Teen Ink

Complicated Love

November 30, 2013
By Josh_Sandoval18 BRONZE, Lake Elsinore, California
Josh_Sandoval18 BRONZE, Lake Elsinore, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- Sam Keen

I know life comes with complications, especially love, but at times I wish it was simple without complications.

Because every corner I turn it seems to be a problem until I get hurt for the problem to be gone. I’ve been accepting, I’ve been nice, but when I put my foot down to defend my heart, it’s walked on.

We all make mistakes in life. But it’s when you repeat the same mistake, is when you hurt people. If you deem happiness from making the same mistakes, I don’t know how I will be able to stay around much longer. I know you need to find happiness,

But find happiness with me and work it out. Prolong yourself, protect yourself and save yourself for something you know is worthy. Because this is what’s going to keep me from walking away.

But if happiness for you is being away from me, I’m not sure you really love me. Why string me along for a painful ride, to watch you love someone else, when that should be me. Leading me on will only cause you to lose me forever.

I don’t want to lose you forever. My love is everlasting love, and even if I can’t have you I will still push to have you. I’m addicted to the way you love. The way you accepted me for who I am as a person. Not property, not as a toy, or an option. You made me feel like I was apart of you. I tried so hard to be apart you, but it never proved to be enough. My love is very passionate, and I’m passionately in love with you and only you.

Many people would say its crazy to say that, but in reality, they’re not us, they didn’t see us for what we were as a unit. Even you disregard what we had, and you left me hanging out to dry, in the wind of your decieving and unfulfilling lies. They cut me like knives, every scar I have is re-opened by your boundless and heartless words.

My heart was left with a hole that will never be filled. That hole in my heart can only be filled by you, but it won’t happen in this world. I’m afraid it will never happen and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I learned to see you as a perfect person, and accept you and love you for all your flaws, but you couldn’t accept one of my own flaws… being broken.

The author's comments:
Real life complications

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