The Irrationality of Kissing | Teen Ink

The Irrationality of Kissing

April 20, 2014
By Inspire4More BRONZE, East Haven, Connecticut
Inspire4More BRONZE, East Haven, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why.” - Kurt Vonnegut

When you look at someone straight in the eye, there is an urge to kiss. I found that even my dog, when I stared him in the eye, tried to lick my face. What is it about the act of truly looking into someone’s eyes that makes this occurrence so real? The cliché is that the eyes are the windows into one’s soul. How true is this? I have found in my experience that looking into someone’s eyes is a deeply intimate moment, but why is the idea of kiss what seems to follow. I work in theatre. In order to create sexual tension on stage, all that we do is have two people look into each other’s eyes for three seconds – three seconds is all it takes to convince an entire audience that the two are about to kiss. Why is kissing the result of the intimacy of a look? I can understand that looking into another’s eyes creates an inseparable focus for both people, putting one another together at the center of their mind. This is true connection, which is why people so often are fearful to take the risk to do so. But why should a kiss come next? What makes a kiss so intimate? In movies the look before the kiss is the true climactic moment, the kiss is the relaxation of the moment, the automatic deflate after the tension. What does a kiss mean? Why do we put significance behind it and why is it our automatic reflex? I wish I had an answer, but for now I am just heavily aware of the rational, yet irrationality of kissing.

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