People | Teen Ink


June 10, 2014
By mmmkt696 SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
mmmkt696 SILVER, Hong Kong, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Get a handle on it . Put it behind you . Move forward . Made a new you"

Dont think too high of anyone.
A person is a person.
No matter how perfect they may appear,none are flawless on this earth.
Dont think someone can understand you more than you understand yourself.
Dont seek completeness through a soulmate or a friend. No one can possibly bring you happiness.When we expect someone to fill us with joy,we tend to get disappointed as they fill us with sadness.Sometimes...our imagination plays tricks on is by creating the prefect picture of that particular person;when in reality that person may not care about you at all.A best friend might not realize that you are getting uncomfortable in the friendship;or that you dont like what they are doing.A boyfriend/girlfriend may not be your soulmate yet you still put a lot of effort into the relationship.Life can get so confusing and complicated so we seek comfort through other human beings.The biggest mistake is to do so.

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