Giving It Your Everything | Teen Ink

Giving It Your Everything

March 4, 2015
By lexham SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
lexham SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Making love everything is too scary, so we walk on a tight rope of giving love enough, but not our all. It’s a task to keep your balance because if we give love our everything and it leaves, we are left with nothing. Our fear is immensely more powerful than our love will ever be. Self –preservation has been engraved in our bones since the beginning of our existence. Fight or flight.

Maybe there isn't a such thing as “love at first sight” or “the one”. I never have. However, what if “the one” is the person that makes your love conquer your fear? Maybe it’s a matter of giving rolling the dice for people you feel are worth it.

We’re humans. We aren't made to love we are made to survive. It’s what keeps us alive, coursing through our veins until we are old enough to understand pain. We’re told to love and not make the world make us hard, but that’s where walls come from. Boundaries are put up to keep us safe; to ensure we survive.

It’s a humanly battle, because we've learned to want love but it’s in our blood to run from the things that could possibly kill us. Contradicting our nature and maybe that’s our worldly problem. We teach ourselves to fight what’s in our blood.

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