Following the Rules | Teen Ink

Following the Rules

December 8, 2015
By Kenndoug BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Kenndoug BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I generally say that I am good at following the rules. Well actually it depends on the type of rules. Society and school rules I follow to the best I possibly I can. My parents rules sometimes. My mom has rules such as: "Curfew at 10pm" or "Always try to ride with an adult" (which is a story for another time.) However, some rules you can't help but break.

Both my parents have different rules in their respective houses. At my mother's house rules usually include "No reading past 9:00pm on a school night." This is absurd for a avid reader such as myself. How can you expect me to stop reading at such a great time in the day? To make it worse, she would  take every single book I had in my room and book bag. I, of course, being such a rule breaker, read on my handy dandy IPhone 6. Another rule is "No eating after 7pm in order to have a fulfilling breakfast." This rule was created mainly because of my two older brothers. My brothers were like ninjas in the night, they would sneak into the kitchen without making a sound and take everything. I followed that rule. The last, and most important rule of the house was: "Don't eat any Oreos until my mom had some." My mother absolutely loved Oreos, and us being her children shared that love alongside her. That rule is really hard to not break.

My dad's house is a different story. Both of my parent's aren't the same completely, I'm the only kid at my father's house. I also have a dog named Joker, and I hold the responsibilities of caretaker while my dad is absent. A rule set in place at my father's house is: "I  must stay in the living room while my father is out in the need that my dog must go outside." I'm really good at that because I love taking naps on the floor with my puppy. The second rule in my father's house is to: Clean the dishes at least twice a week so I can contribute to the household." This one is a little difficult to do solely because my Uncle who lives with us likes to wash the dishes. He often washes the dishes every day!. The last rule is more of a seasonal yard work rule. "I must help rake leaves, shovel snow, pull weeds, or mow the lawn depending on the season." This one is really hard to do because my dad wants to do work before the sun rises. I don’t really like waking up really early. Waking up before 10:00am during the summer is my worst nightmare. I would rather like to do while the sun sets. 

Society rules and schools rules are really easy to follow because that was the way I was raised. However, I still have room for improvement with my parent's rules. I try harder and harder every single day.

The author's comments:

Some rules we can't help but break

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