Recipe For a Strong Relationship | Teen Ink

Recipe For a Strong Relationship

May 26, 2016
By Mich7 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Mich7 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First, take the car ride sing-alongs and combine them with the bucket of inside jokes and the mountains of trust. In a separate bowl, put the dash of fighting and the sprinkle of working it out. Let this settle. Then mix in with the rest. Sift the handful of late night band rehearsals and the scoop of crappy mixed tapes on top of your current mixture. Now add the two bins of hard times and the four bins of getting through it. Lastly add the armfuls of love, the eight slices of laughing, the drop of late night Skype calls, the mounds of acceptance, the craters of understanding, and the three crates of fond memories; stir until well blended. Let sit for eight years and you’ll have the perfect, strong friendship. Best served each day. Will last a lifetime if stored in your heart.

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